The highlight of the 3-year project financed by Norwegian grants for the development of a new sport in Special Olympics Slovakia – BASKETBALL was the European Basketball Week 2023 – EBW2023.
This year, 13 organizations participated in the EBW Special Olympics European Basketball Week. The total number of participants was amazing: 319 altogether. From those, 105 children with ID between the ages of 8 and 12.
During the project all the game activities were developed. The athletes learned the basic rules of basketball and how to follow them. The main aim was to learn to play in the spirit of the fair play and to minimize fouling. They learned to play in teams (2 on 2, 3 on 3 and 5 on 5). All athletes enjoyed basketball very much. It was incredibly fun for them, and they were always looking forward to the trainings. Athletes improved with each training session and focus more on passing, catching and speed as well. At the end of the project all athletes improved their ball skills, attention, perception, accuracy and endurance.

Schools/organizations involved in EBW2023: Spojená škola internátna – ŠK MANÍN Považská Bystrica, Spojená škola Pezinok/alokované pracovisko MODRA, Špeciálna základná škola – Speciális Alapiskola, Šamorín, Základná škola s materskou školou Čierne – Vyšný koniec č.969, Spojená škola Dobšiná, Spojená škola Pezinok, Spojená škola internátna Rožňava, Bavme sa športom, Spojená škola Hálkova 54 Bratislava, Súkromná spojená škola Prešov, Downov synróm na Orave, Nové Zámky RESC.