Special Olympics in Bosnia and Herzegovina

At the the initiative of the International Special Olympics, Bosnian Special Olympics was established 1997, and has been re-registered 06.06.2006 as the Special Olympics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the beginning, competitions at the state level have been held every year in indoor football, athletics, basketball, swimming, table tennis, bowling and skiing, and the largest sporting event under the Special Olympics are the “Friendship Games of Southeast Europe” which were held in four cities of Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar and Banja Luka, which were also attended by Ms Kennedy Shriver. To this date, more than 70 associations and institutions such as clubs of special sports, daycare centres, primary and secondary schools, universities and government institutions are engaged in SOBiH activities.

By organizing competitions as well as the accompanying training, education and health programs, we will facilitate the awareness that the competitions of people with intellectual disabilities require training according to the rules of sports, including the promotion of the rights of people with disabilities. In addition to organizing competitions, the implementation of this project will strengthen the capacity of all organizations in the form of shared knowledge and practice will also get educated parents, judges, volunteers.

Most importantly, we will increase the number of members involved in sports activities in associations, special schools’ daycare centres and institutes. We expect special results in the implementation of the project of including children with intellectual disabilities in sports activities through participation in competitions, through the organization of European Football Week, European Basketball Week, Special Olympics Friendly Competition where we will include a large number of children and youth without intellectual disabilities on the principles of UNIFIED SPORT or INCLUSIVE SPORTS ACTIVITIES, as well as in many other activities listed in the project.