Special Olympics Slovakia

Through the NF project is the goal to gain and inform as much young families with young children with ID as possible during this pandemic time about sport and benefits from sports and healthy lifestyles. Also thank to the grand we can offer a new sport Basketball to new upcoming young athletes. Focusing on young athletes is important task of today and keep them interested is our goal for the future.
Special Olympics is not just about sports. Special Olympics is a worldwide movement of understanding and inspiration. The Philosophy of Special Olympics is based on the belief that every person with intellectual disability has the same chance for development of his/her personality as a healthy individual.
Integration and social interaction strengthened the athlete´s sense of pride and success. Special Olympics Slovakia supports athletes and their families on the sport´s field but also outside of it. Special Olympics is trying to bury stereotypes in thinking of people with intellectual disabilities, promotes public health ideas and actively integrates group of people to society.
The vision of Special Olympics is to help bring Special Olympics Slovakia athletes into the larger society under conditions whereby they are accepted and given the chance to become useful and productive citizens through human qualities they all have in themselves just we need to give them opportunity to try and show it.
The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Our role is to communicate and coordinate the sport activities on national level. To raise funds. We organize sport competitions and send athletes to participate on international level too. The Special Olympics Program is the most comprehensive program supporting the development of personality, integration and emotional needs of people with intellectual disabilities. The Special Olympics Slovakia brings together more than thousands of athletes with intellectual disabilities who perform sport in more than 100 clubs, schools and Day Care Centres. We organize 18 National Championships yearly and also educate athletes, family members, volunteer and partners.